Discover the Douro on a fantastic Cruise in 2020. Blog

2020 is the perfect year for a Douro Cruise!

Tips and Suggestions


Discover the Douro on a fantastic Cruise in 2020
Port wine vineyards, beautiful and rustic houses, bridges and a landscape that is always beautiful at any time of year. If a cruise in the Douro is part of your plans for 2020, we have good news: the cruise season has opened!

Now that the climate begins to get better and after the closure of the Douro dams for maintenance, most of our cruises that pass these dams begin to take place , from now until October.

Cruises to Régua

On March 21, in the beginning of spring, we start our cruises to Régua. To make the most of your tour, you should book it as far in advance as possible, always trying to adapt it to the number of people who will do it with you. For a day trip, we offer you a mixed experience with a train trip to Régua and a downstream cruise to Porto (some argue that the downstream cruise is more beautiful). In this way, you get to know one of the most famous routes in the Douro: the region between Porto and Régua. The trip passes through the Carrapatelo and Crestuma-Lever dam, with lunch on board accompanied by wines from the region.

Cruises to Pinhão

All seasons are good for a cruise on the Douro River. However, we always recommend a special time to make this tour even more memorable. The Easter season, for example, a time of rebirth and renewal of vows of happiness, can be celebrated from April 12 - when we begin our tours to Pinhão.

In this case, you can start this season on a two-day cruise between Porto and Pinhão with a visit to a farm in the region. Get ready for two days with wine tasting, a typical lunch from the Douro region and lots of entertainment on board.

Cruises to Barca d'Alva

For a calmer spring, starting on April 18, we begin the routes to Barca d'Alva (on the Spanish border), so you can choose to take a trip across the Douro River in Portuguese territory.

Escape from the hectic pace of everyday life through deep relaxation and a well-rested stroll that starts right at sunrise (before 7 am). You have a whole day to enjoy the magnificent green landscapes, vineyards and so genuine of the Douro. This cruise calms the soul and provides an immediate feeling of serenity. Make yourself comfortable and come with us!

Whatever your option and the date chosen to do this; the Douro is a point of interest in all seasons. In the spring, with the flowers and the vineyards full of life, in the summer, with temperatures above 35ºC asking for only “outdoors” options, and in the fall, with the harvest season and the vineyards becoming gold, landscape that glimpses from the cruise even more typical.

Also noteworthy is the place where “the river meets the sea”, in Foz do Douro, one of the most unforgettable places to watch the sunset, a moment that, from now on, starts to take a little longer.

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